The Statutes of the MCRC

 Spanish version


I. Because human beings are not equal in either physical and intellectual ability, or in social status, the society and the State ought to ensure equality of rights and opportunities.
II. Because there is a moral imperative in people’s consciousness, personal, social and/or political opportunism is condemnable.
III. Because individuals cannot develop their vocations and actions outside the social context, loyalty constitutes the basis for every personal and social virtue.
IV. Because the Spanish citizens are subject to fears that derive from their traditional education within an authoritarian State, the strength of civil society against the State can only be grounded in personal gallantry.
V. Because intelligence and creativity have been rejected and slaughtered, drawing them away from educational centers, the State and the Parties, those individual powers must be organized in order to acquire an active presence in civil society.
VI. Because decency amounts to the decorum of civilization, the civil society must civilize the parties and the unions, throwing them off the State.
VII. Because there is no such a thing as an intermediate political society between the parties’ State (also known as particracy or oligarchy of parties*) and the civil society, the most civilized faction of the latter must supervise the education of such intermediary force, with no State intervention.
VIII. Because politics affects the realm of the governed, unless the language of politicians and that of mass media is direct, correct and expressive of the common sense, it conceals a falsity or a fraud.
IX. Because the hidden reasons of the political power are not legitimate, State reason shall always be illegitimate.
X. Because the reason of government is only legitimated by virtue of the political freedom of those who elect the State’s executive power, any government that is not directly elected by the governed and cannot be revoked by them is thereby illegitimate, regardless of its legal status.
XI. Because the rationale behind the law resides in the deliberation power of independent legislators (elected, in turn, by those who must obey them), any law issued from a government-dependent Parliament is not respectable, even when complied with.
XII. Because the rationale behind legal justice resides in the expertise of a judiciary that is also independent from both the government and the Parliament, any resolutions issued from a judiciary organization that depends on both powers cannot possibly be fair or honourable.
XIII. Because the rationale behind the elected resides in the unipersonal, imperative and revocable office term of the elector, the proportional representation system is fraudulent, for it only represents the Party leaders.
XIV. Because the media shape public opinion, no information controlled by an oligopoly of economic powers can be either impartial or true.
XV. Because corruption is inherent to the non-separation of State powers, only the mistrust and suspicion of their competing ambitions can, via its separation, check such corruption.
XVI. Because the Autonomous Communities system foments discriminatory or independentist nationalisms, it ought to be compensated by integrating these Autonomous Communities in the presidential form of Government.
XVII. Because the above system also incites unproductive public expenses, those competences most susceptible of being municipalized must be transferred to the councils.
XVIII. Because the Parties’ Monarchy lacks the authority to ensure the unity of the Spanish consciousness, and has been subjected to putschs and corruption, it must be replaced by a Constitutional Republic, i.e., one that is able to separate the State powers, to represent the civil society and to settle natural patriotism under a presidential form of government.
XIX. Because the only reason for political obedience is the free consent of the government, the people preserve the right to civil disobedience and passive resistance (without resorting to violence) against any government misusing power or falling prey to corruption.
XX. Because the past cannot be restored, unless via the State’s forceful imposition of it, a pacific restoration of the II Republic (whose form of government was not democratic either) is not possible.
XXI. Because the power system of European nations, conceived during the Cold War, is not democratic, Spaniards are obliged to innovate vis-a-vis their political culture in order to reach democracy as a formal rule of the political game.

Due to reasons of loyalty to the civic society, political parties, unions and NGOs cannot be financed by the State; and due to reasons of loyalty to the personal consciousness of the members of the Movement of Citizens, the MCRC shall not become a political party, being instead dissolved as soon as its mission is accomplished via a referendum ratifying the democratic Constitution of the Third Spanish Republic.

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